To be a Canadian who lives in Alberta, to use a religious analogy, is a bit like being a non-sectarian believer trapped in a fundamentalist sectarian community. What unites us as Canadians is almost unmentionable, while the sectarian priests prevail, preaching dangerous myths for sectarian purposes. As I read over the UCP’s flyer on its… Continue reading An APP: Lies, Damned Lies and Satistics
“Painkillers” (Netflix): A Capitalist Metaphor
It is easy to substitute Big Oil’s promotion and exploitation of our addiction to fossil fuel production and consumption, with all its attendant death and destruction, for Big Pharma’s promotion of opioid addiction.
Complicity of Silent Leadership
Let’s hope the courage the NDP lacked in the recent election campaign – the courage to critique the disastrous economic record of the UCP, and the Conservatives before them, and to propose a far-sighted alternative for our economy – a vision a majority of Albertans is ready for – will return to its natural home in the social democratic Opposition in the Legislature.
Oh Alberta! What a Fiasco!
In a triumph for colonial ideology, a majority of Albertans have once again chosen for their leaders the compradors of duplicitous, foreign-owned Big Oil.
Alberta Leaders’ Debate Disappoints
The debate underlined the immaturity and insubstantial nature of our democratic practice. We seem trapped in a world where serious public examination of the issues confronting us is impossible, however desirable.
“Stoneface” – Memoir of a Dene Leader.
Kakfwi has now published a memoir, “Stoneface”, that leads us through his life, starting with his early memories of family and community life immersed in the seasonal cycle of life in and on the land. The logic and beauty of that existence was then shattered by the inexplicable kidnapping of his generation and the attempted cultural genocide of which the residential school was the chief instrument.
Our Captured Oil and Gas Regulators: Institutional Racism at Work
Recent months provide fresh evidence that despite Canada’s formal support of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), racist decision-making permeates the practices of oil and gas regulators and their political masters.
The TMX Fiasco: the latest chapter
$30.9 billion is an appalling amount. What else might a visionary federal government confronted with a climate emergency have done with that money?
It’s the Profits, Stupid!
Free of the colonized ideology, it doesn’t take a genius to see that the allocation of our social and economic surplus today is out of line with our values and inappropriate to the challenges we face collectively.
Ecocide, the End-Stage of Capitalism?
Our capitalist economy can’t find the capital to save itself. Our colonized political system hampers our regaining the agency to engineer a re-allocation of capital to ensure our survival.